:-) My son is 2.5 yrs and I have another youngster in my care that is 2 yrs and I have found that both of these children are very much taking an interest in learning some of these basic concepts...so my point is, even if people say he's too young...you know your child best.
I agree with the comment that your child is probably taking in more than you think he is.
As for two languages...good for you! As for confusing him...there is a possiblity but most youngsters can grasp this pretty good. However I would suggest that you start with you primary language and when they have that down then begin with the secondary language.
* Tactile letters and numbers...the Montessori method tends to use sandpaper letters and you can make or purchase these, however I was in a pinch so I created my "cards" on Print Shop using Ball and Stick font (because that's what we teach here) and then printed it off, cut them apart and used glitter glue to add texture for them to trace.
* Start with the first letter in your child's name and progress to other letters in his name and in your family member's name. Point your chosen letter (s) out everywhere you see it. You don't even have to ask him what it is...just bring his attention to it and state it. Eventually he is going to start pointing them out himself. An activity I do with all children is changing the letters in the song BINGO to the letters in their name. There was a boy that I did love and (Aaron) was his name-o. A-a-r-o-n, etc.
* Please start with the lowercase letters! :-) I say this because most all print is lowercase in reality. However, do introduce the capital letter of the names. I, personally, have a alphabet display up with both upper and lowercase letters. It hasn't confused any of the children I have worked with yet. :-) A little tip... change your displays/charts. I do mine monthly. The variation keeps interest. www.childcareland.com and other sites have free printable alphabet and other basic concept activities/charts etc.
* Keep up with the songs...there are a lot of alphabet songs out there besides just the typical ABC song...just search the internet and you'll find many!
* Reader Rabbit Alphabet Race (DVD) has really boosted my son's alphabet knowledge...then again he picks up things from DVD's quickly because he doesn't watch them or TV often. :-)
* What two year old doesn't like sensory? Not very many :-) I take magent letters/numbers, letter tiles, foam letters, etc and hide them in rice/corn/sand etc and then we match them together on a mat or sometimes we just name them as we find them or I do In My Name/Not in My Name sorting. One thing that was a hit was to put magnet letters/numbers in water and go fishing with a magnetic fishing rod.
* Youngsters like to move...so I create a large number/letter outside on the driveway with chalk and we walk on it and around it. I have been also known to make "hopscotch" boards with the letters in their name or numbers. One activity was an icecream cone. In the cone I wrote the child's name. Then I drew an icecream scoop for every letter in their name. Of course, print the letter in each scoop. Start at the cone and point out the name and then help the child jump from scoop to scoop while saying each letter.
Hope some of these are useful for you.