www.atozteacherstuff.com-lessons_plans has lesson plans for teachers. They might have the alphabet. You can get books from the library that teaches the alphabet, and shows each letter in large, bold print. You can make your own patterns. May I suggest, besides coloring and tracing the letters, that you find large letters, or make your own, put them on 3'' X 5'' cards, then laminate them. You can create games with these, like concentration type games.
1) Make two of each letter, turn them over, face down, in rows and columns, and have your daughter turn them over, two at a time. When she matches the two alike letters, she sets them aside.
2) Same game, only match the small letters with their capital letters.
3) You can use other games, like "Go Fish" and "War" to teach the alphabet.
It takes a lot of work on your part to prepare these cards, but its worth it because children learn faster and better when they're enjoying learning. And why shouldn't learning be fun?