Can put on coat hat boots mittens
Can use zipper buttons snaps learning to tie shoes
Uses bathroom w/o assistance and w/o accidents
Willing to share with others has age appropriate social skills
Has basic manners please an d thank you etc.
Cooperates with children and adults.
Yes I am special, but so is everyone else
We work TOGETHER because everyone matters not just me.
(Sorry but a lot of Kindergarten kids do NOT learn this anymore!!)
Takes care of her personal needs such as toileting and using Kleenex.
Self Care and Getting along are In My Opinion
the most important skills to bring to school
Without them teaching and learning are a constant battle.
Don't say I CAN'T unless you've you've tried it
then don't cry ask for help
Can hold and use crayons pencil scissors
Can identify red orange yellow green blue and purple
Knows basic shapes circle square rectangle triangle oval diamond star
Can count up to 10 objects or more
Counts up to 20 or higher
Sings simple songs
Can recite alphabet and recognize most letters
Knows the letters in her name
Can write her name even if it is backwards or mixes small and large letters.
You don't have to make her sit all day
She can learn most of this playing
except for the writing.
She can learn letters off signs food labels magazines etc.
Colors from food, toys clothes etc
numbers from setting the table counting toys and dolls etc.