Hi! Thanks for being one of those parents who actually care! I have been a teacher for years and it's sad when many parents couldn't care less about where their child is educationally.
As for counting ideas.. Try to figure out what kind of "learner" your step-son is. Does he learn through auditory means (hearing it repeated), visual (seeing a number of something) or kinetically (touching)? Some kids learn through more than one or all of them, but there is usually one way that they learn the best. To find out which is his main focus, you may want to try all three and watch how he responds!
Some auditory ideas are:
- Using rhythm, have your child count something out. For example, when counting a dozen eggs, have him count them out one by one and clap (or snap, tap his foot, etc.) as he counts.
- Chicka Chicka- 1,2,3- A child in my class a few years ago also had trouble with numbers. One day we ready this classic counting book and he was hooked! After that, when he counted he used the rhythm and style of the book!
- Repetition: Kids learn through repetition. I teach my preschoolers through a classic rhyme that we learn early in the year and do a mini-book with as well as chanting/singing the song. It goes: "1,2- buckle my shoe. 2,3 4- Shut the door. 5 & 6- pick up sticks. 7, 8- lay them straight. 9-10 a big fat hen. 1-10- let's do it again!"
- Other counting songs: Some good counting songs are: "5 Little monkeys" (counting down from 5), "6 little ducks", " 10 in the bed", "I can count from 1-20" (LOTS of good ones are found on this cd: http://www.amazon.com/Preschool-Songs-Twin-Sisters-Productions/dp/B000VGAWBK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1299948570&sr=1-1)
Some visual/ Kinetic ideas are:
- Do an art project! Have him think of or look for (in magazines or even take photos around the house) things that come in a certain number and make your very own "Numbers around the house" book or even a learning poster! (For example, for #2 a great one would be a pair of shoes!, for #12- a dozen eggs, for #8- a spider's legs, for # 3 the number of your family members!, etc.)
- Many visual and kinetic activities overlap...Have him count out things around his room or on the playground- like the number of monkey bars (visual) before he climbs them(kinetic) and have him count them again as he climbs them.
- Another good one is to count steps! We do this every year on our 100th day of school, count the number of steps it takes to get from your front door to the mailbox, etc.
- In my class, I use "counters" (items that the children use to count out a number). An exercise I use regularly is to give each child a large card with a number on it and encourage them to count out that number of (bears, frogs, bottle caps. etc.) and fit them within the number (so it also gives them practice on writing the number) You can get small plastic counting items at the dollar store or educational stores or you can use items you have around the house like coins or his favorite matchbox cars!
- A great number recognition game is to lay the same number cards out on the floor and hide a shape with the number written on it around the room. Have him hunt for the number and match it to its' pair once he finds it. I recently did this game by putting the numbers on pieces of paper into balloons and blowing them up! The children (with adult help popped the balloon to get find their number) It was a lot of fun!
*Repetition is a big key- don't give up! 5 is still a young age and although he seems to be a little behind, your extra effort will make ALL the difference!
Hope some of these ideas help you out!